Quartz Family: Tectosilicates
(Silicon dioxide)
AKA: Amethyst, Aventurine, Blue quartz, Cat's eye, Citrine, Milky quartz, Rock crystal, Rose quartz, Smokey quartz, Tigereye

System: Hexagonal; usually prismatic crystals striated crosswise and frequently terminated by double rhombohedrons (like hexagonal pyramids); also granular, disseminated, massive.
Appearance: White, colorless, and in various shades as follows: rock crystal, transparent, colorless; amethyst, purple; rose quartz, pink, rose-red; citrine, clear yellow; smokey quartz, pale brown to black; milky quartz, milk-white; aventurine, glistening with enclosed scales of mica or hematite; cat's eye, opalescent from inclusions of asbestos; and tigereye, with lustrous yellow to brown parallel fibers; vitreous, greasy luster; streak white.
Physical properties: Hardness: (7.0), Specific gravity: (2.65), Cleavage: Generally none; rarely indistinct rhombohedral parting.
Similar species: White and colorless beryl has one poor cleavage, is harder than quartz, and lacks the crosswise striations. Feldspar is softer and has perfect cleavage.
Occurrence: Quartz is an important rock-forming mineral and developed in many different environments. It is a constituent of granite and grandodiorite of plutonic rocks, and is usually associated with albite and orthoclase in granite pegmatites. Amethyst comes from Brazil and Uruguay; citrine quartz from Brazil and Madagascar; smokey quartz from Brazil, Switzerland and Colorado; rose quartz from California, Maine, Montana, South Dakota, Brazil, India and Madagascar; aventurine from Brazil, India and Russia; and tigereye from Austria and South-West Africa.
Miscellaneous: The most highly prized quartz are amethyst and citrine. Citrine quartz, smokey quartz and amethyst are faceted. Aventurine, rose quartz, and cat's eye are fashioned into cabochons, and tigereye into cameos. The name is from the German Quarz, of uncertain origin. Quart is used as a gemstone, in the manufacture of glass, and as oscillators and filters in radio and telephone services. All minerals with the composition SiO2 are included in the silica group, which includes quartz, chalcedony and opal.
Conventional Wisdom: Probably the most versatile multi-purpose healing stone. Quartz crystals can be used to amplify both body energy and thoughts. They can assist in the creation of power and can provide for clarity in thinking to enable thoughts to more effectively influence matter. The quartz crystal can be used to facilitate both speaking with, and receiving information from, the spiritual and other-worldly masters, teachers and healers.
Belongs to All the Astrological Signs.

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