Aventurine: Tectosilicates
(Silicon dioxide)
AKA: Quartz

System: Hexagonal; usually prismatic crystals striated crosswise and frequently terminated by double rhombohedrons (like hexagonal pyramids); also granular, disseminated, massive.
Appearance: Grayish, yellowish, brownish or green. Glistening with enclosed scales of mica, goethite or hematite; vitreous, greasy luster; streak white.
Physical properties: Hardness: (7.0), Specific gravity: (2.65); Cleavage: Generally none; rarely indistinct rhombohedral parting.
Similar species: White and colorless beryl has one poor cleavage, is harder than quartz, and lacks the crosswise striations. Feldspar is softer and has perfect cleavage.
Occurrence: Quartz is an important rock-forming mineral and developed in many different environments. It is a constituent of granite and grandodiorite of plutonic rocks, and is usually associated with albite and orthoclase in granite pegmatites. Aventurine comes from Brazil, India and Russia.
Miscellaneous: Aventurine is fashioned into cabochons. All minerals with the composition SiO2 are included in the silica group, which includes quartz, chalcedony and opal.
Conventional Wisdom: Heals emotional pain/fear/imbalance by dissolving blocks in the heart chakra. Historically also draws out heat of fevers, inflammation, and nervous system stress. Promotes universal love, truth, and prosperity. Much like Moss Agate. Gently stabilizes emotions. Aventurine is said to be useful in relieving migraine and in soothing the eyes. A traditional method of using this stone is to leave it in water overnight and to use the water the following day to bathe eyes. Aventurine water - made in the same way can also be used for bathing irritations of the skin. Aventurine is a soother and helps relax one for a better night's sleep! It also relieves tension and shock. Improves vitality, equalizes blood pressure. Encourages creativity, gives the wearer courage, independence, calmness and serenity. Gives adventure and luck in love and sport. Increases independence.
Belongs to Astrological Sign of Aries.

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