Smoky Quartz: Tectosilicates
(Silicon dioxide)
AKA: Carnigorm, Morion, Quartz

System: Hexagonal; usually prismatic crystals striated crosswise and frequently terminated by double rhombohedrons (like hexagonal pyramids); also granular, disseminated, massive.
Appearance: Smoky or grayish brown to black. Vitreous, greasy luster; streak white.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (7.0), Specific gravity: (2.65), Cleavage: Generally none; rarely indistinct rhombohedral parting.
Similar species: White and colorless beryl has one poor cleavage, is harder than quartz, and lacks the crosswise striations. Feldspar is softer and has perfect cleavage.
Occurrence: Quartz is an important rock-forming mineral and developed in many different environments. It is a constituent of granite and grandodiorite of plutonic rocks, and is usually associated with albite and orthoclase in granite pegmatites. Smoky quartz has been found in high-temperature hydrothermal veins in Brazil, Malagasy Republic, Scotland and in Alpine fissures.
Miscellaneous: Smokey quartz is faceted as a gemstone. Light or dark brown to black (black known as morion) color probably caused by exposure to natural radioactivity. When heated turns yellow to white. All minerals with the composition SiO2 are included in the silica group, which includes quartz, chalcedony and opal.
Common Wisdom: Smokey quartz can be used to gently dissolve negative energies and emotional blockages. It softens negative energy and allows positive frequencies to enter the realm of affection. It is an excellent grounding stone, enhancing attentiveness to the moment and producing the grounding aspects necessary during the meditative state in order to stimulate higher awareness. It further acts as a protective stone, providing for an encompassing barrier of energy around the user.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Capricorn and Sagittarius.

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