Cat's Eye: Tectosilicates
(Silicon dioxide)
AKA: Chrysoberyl, Quartz

System: Hexagonal; usually with prismatic crystals striated crosswise and frequently terminated by double rhombohedrons (like hexagonal pyramids); also granular, disseminated, massive.
Appearance: Opalescent from inclusions of asbestos; vitreous, greasy luster; streak white.
Physical Properties: Hardness:(7.0); Specific gravity: (2.65); Cleavage: generally none; fracture, conchoidal; transparent to subtranslucent.
Similar species: White and colorless beryl has one poor cleavage, is harder than quartz, and lacks the crosswise striations. Feldspar is softer and has perfect cleavage. Tigereye quartz has yellow to brown parallel fibers.
Occurrence: Quartz is an important rock-forming mineral and developed in many different environments. It is found in plutonic rocks and granite pegmatites. It is present in volcanic rocks and sandstone. It is the principle constituent of hypothermal, mesothermal and epithermal veins.
Miscelleneous: Is usually a variety of chrysoberyl or quartz, exhibiting a chatoyancy which allows the stone to resemble a cat's eye. This chatoyancy is usually caused from the inclusion of straight fibers of asbestos. Cat's eye is fashioned into cabochons as a gemstone.
Conventional Wisdom: The structure of this mineral represents happiness and serenity. It can also amplify ones "luck". It can act to stimulate intuition and to enhance awareness. It is said that water placed in the sun for three hours in a green glass jar containing a Cat's eye stone will beautify any face that is washed with it daily. It is also said that it causes one to be more charitable toward their neighbor.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Aries.

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