Spodumene: Inosilicates
(Lithium aluminum silicate; pyroxene group)
AKA: Hiddenite, Kunzite

System: Monoclinic; mostly lathlike flattened crystals with deep groves parallel to the elongation; also cleavage masses, columnar.
Appearance: White, gray, yellowish, emerald-green (hiddenite), pink to purple (kunzite); vitreous, pearly; streak white.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (6.5 - 7.0); Specific gravity: (3.5 - 3.7). Cleavage: good, two directions at nearly right angles; parting frequently prominent in one direction bisecting larger cleavage angle; fracture, uneven, splintery; transparent to translucent; brittle.
Similar species: The tough splintery fracture is sufficient to distinguish spodumene from any of the feldspars.
Occurrence: Spodumene is found only in granite pegmatites, where it is generally occurs with tourmaline, albite and lepidolite. The largest spodumene crystal in the world was mined in a pegmatite in South Dakota, it was said to have weight in excess of 75 metric tons (90 tons). California produces gem-quality kunzite, and excellent hiddenite has come from North Carolina.
Miscellaneous: The name is from the Greek spodoumenos, "burnt to ash", in allusion to its ashy color. The pink to violet (kunzite) and emerald-green (hiddenite) varieties are used as gemstones, and the uncolored common variety as a source of lithium.
Conventional Wisdom: Pink, clear (kunzite). Powerful, high level stone. Kunzite worn over the heart chakra can send penetrating energy through emotional blockages and cause the wearer to experience the purity of his or her inner heart. Powerful, high level stone. Strengthens healers, teachers. Opens the emotional heart and spiritual heart. Creates balance between heart and mind, clears emotional blockages. In meditation can balance negative emotional and troubled mental states. This mineral promotes maturity in thought and action, while allowing one to maintain the openness of a child.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Scorpio, Taurus and Leo.

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