Hiddenite: Inosilicates
(Lithium aluminum silicate; pyroxene group)
AKA: Kunzite, Spodumene

System: Monoclinic; mostly lathlike flattened crystals with deep groves parallel to the elongation; also cleavage masses, columnar.
Appearance: Pale greenish-yellow to almost emerald-green; vitreous, pearly; streak white.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (6.5 - 7.0); Specific gravity: (3.5 - 3.7). Cleavage: good, two directions at nearly right angles; parting frequently prominent in one direction bisecting larger cleavage angle; fracture, uneven, splintery; transparent to translucent; brittle.
Similar species: The tough splintery fracture is sufficient to distinguish spodumene from any of the feldspars.
Occurrence: Hiddenite is found only in granite pegmatites, where it is generally occurs with tourmaline, albite and lepidolite. Excellent hiddenite has come from North Carolina, where it is the only known source.
Miscellaneous: The name is from the Greek spodoumenos, "burnt to ash", in allusion to its ashy color. Although softer than quartz, hiddenites exquisite color and transparency makes it considerably valuable. Hiddenite is popularly cut into faceted gems.
Conventional Wisdom: Best known for drawing prosperity. In addition, this mineral helps stimulate the intellect and loving side of ones nature in order to bring forth the unknown. It prompts the connection with the other worlds and provides the subsequent clarity in the transfer of knowledge. Clears heart to receive. Eases love or money loss. Calming.
Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Scorpio.

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