Turquoise: Phosphates, Arsenates, Vandates
(Hydrous basic phosphate of copper and aluminum; may contain some iron)

System: Triclinic; crystals rare; usually compact, reniform, stalactitic, incrusting, thin seams, disseminated.
Appearance: Sky-blue, bluish green, apple-green; waxy, dull, streak white, pale green.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (5.0 - 6.0); Specific gravity: (2.6 - 2.8). Cleavage: none; fracture, conchoidal; subtranslucent to opaque.
Similar species: Turquoise can be distinguished from variscite only on the basis of blowpipe tests; chrysocolla is softer.
Occurrence: Turquoise forms as a secondary mineral in the zone of alteration in disseminated hydrothermal replacement deposits. The finest turquoise comes from Iran. In North America turquoise is mostly found in SW United States (Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, California and Colorado).
Miscellaneous: Gem-quality turquoise ranges in color from pale blue to bright blue. Turquoise from New Mexico and Nevada is also highly regarded, though less popular because of it's greenish hue. Vein turquoise is usually poor in quality and does not take the polish that that can be given to nodular turquoise. Turquoise can be made into cabochons or carved. The name was originally French, turquoise, "Turkish". It originally referred to material from the great localities in Persia (now Iran), which had passed through Turkey via the old trade routes and was mistakenly believed to have been excavated there. Turquoise the birthstone for December.
Conventional Wisdom: A good general healer for all illnesses and excellent conductor (high copper). This gentle, cool, soothing stone is a Native American classic. It opens the throat chakra for open communication, creativity, serenity, spiritual bonding, upliftment; Opens the heart chakra for giving/receiving. Symbolizes our source (spirit/sky) and spiritual love for healing and helping others. Like amethyst, it protects and detoxes from alcohol, poison, pollution and x-ray/sun radiation. Ancient absorber of "negativity". Commonly used as protection from "evil eye". Brings wisdom. Dull, paler = weaker. Works well with Chrysocolla, best with Silver. Used for healing on every continent! Fades in sunlight or in contact with sweat, oil, dishwater... Avoid bleach and chlorine!
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Sagittarius, Pisces and Scorpio.

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