Thulite: Sorosilicates
(Basic calcium aluminum silicate, often with some iron and manganese; epidote group)
AKA: Zoisite

System: Orthorhombic; usually in long prismatic crystals deeply striated along length; also columnar, bladed, fibrous, compact.
Appearance: Pink; vitreous, pearly on cleavage; streak white.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (6.0 - 6.5); Specific gravity: (3.2 - 3.4). Cleavage: good, one direction, lengthwise; fracture, uneven to conchoidal; transparent to translucent; thulite fluoresces.
Similar species: Tourmaline has no cleavage. Pink tourmaline may be mistaken for thulite, but it does not fluoresce.
Occurrence: Zoisite is not a common mineral and is restricted to metamorphic rocks. It occurs with chondrodite, tremolite and wollastonite in hornfels of contact metamorphic rocks, and with hornblende, almandine and glaucophane in blue schist of regional metamorphic rocks. Beautiful specimens of thulite have been found in Norway, the prime locality for this mineral. In North America thulite occurs in North Carolina and California.
Miscellaneous: Thulite was named after Thule, an ancient name for Norway.
Common Wisdom: Thulite can be used to assist one in dramatic presentations and to promote the entertaining aspect within the self. It allows one to separate, to examine and to integrate the duality of ones nature and to view the integral parts of the combined aspects of logic and love. It also provides insight with respect to the corrective process.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Taurus and Gemini.

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