Sodalite: Tectosilicates
(Sodium aluminum silicate with chlorine)

System: Isometric; crystals rare; usually dodecahedrons; also compact, disseminated grains, nodular.
Appearance: Blue, gray, white, colorless, green; vitreous, greasy; streak white.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (5.5 - 6.0); Specific gravity: (2.2 - 2.3). Cleavage: poor, in six directions; fracture, uneven to conchoidal; transparent to translucent; fluorescent; brittle.
Similar species: Sodalite is more transparent than lazurite and lazulite, and lazurite is usually accompanied by pyrite.
Occurrence: Sodalite develops in nepheline syenite pegmatites. Sodalite occurs in masses in Ontario and British Columbia.
Miscellaneous: Sodalite is named in allusion to its sodium content. It is used as a gemstone.
Conventional Wisdom: General communication and writing stone. This mineral provides for the ability to arrive at logical conclusions via rational mental processes. It helps eliminate confusion and to both equalize and stimulate one intellect to be compatible with each situation. It can be used to enhance truthfulness in emotions, allowing one to both recognize and verbalize the true feelings.
Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Sagittarius.

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