Silver: Native Element
(Native, often with much gold or mercury, and lesser amounts of arsenic and antimony)

System: Isometric; crystals (rare) are cubes, octahedrons, and dodecahedrons or in groups of parallel cubes or octahedrons; also grains, scales, plates, wire, reticulated, arborescent.
Appearance: Silver-white; tarnish yellow, brown, black; metallic; streak silver-white to light lead-gray, shining.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (2.5 - 3.0); Specific gravity: (10.1 - 11.1). Cleavage: none; fracture, hackly; ductile and malleable.
Similar species: Silver is whiter and harder than lead, and softer than platinum.
Occurrence: Silver is widely distributed in small amounts and occurs in volcanic rock and in various types of veins. Large irregular masses and sheets of silver occur with copper in basalt of volcanic rocks and with quarts in hydrothermal and mesothermal veins. There are several excellent collecting areas in North America. The most notable are, Michigan (silver with copper), Arizona (silver with chalcocite), Ontario (silver sheets and masses) and Mexico (wire and arborescent silver).
Miscellaneous: The name is thought to Anglo-Saxon, and of uncertain origin. The mineral is the best known conductor of heat and electricity. Silver is mined as the ore of silver.
Conventional Wisdom: Excellent for mental, emotional and physical releasing and cleansing. Works on the mind/emotions to see an overview. Provides emotional balance and patience. Like the moon's energy, it has gentle, cool and smoothing effect. Thus it reduces inflammation, fever and nervous system stress. Best with the gentler, cooler-colored gems.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Cancer and Aquarius.

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