Rhodonite: Inosilicates
(Manganese silicate, often with some calcium)

System: Triclinic; rare; blocky, tabular, or square prismatic in form; crystals usually in fine-grained masses, granular, compact, cleavable.
Appearance: Brownish red, flesh-red, pink; rarely yellowish or greenish; may tarnish brown or black upon exposure; vitreous; streak colorless.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (5.5 - 6.0); Specific gravity: (3.5 - 3.7). Cleavage: good, two directions at nearly right angles; fracture, conchoidal, uneven; transparent to translucent.
Similar species: Rhodonite is harder than rhodochrosite, and the massive form is usually cut by narrow veins of dense black manganese oxide, which are not present in pink feldspar.
Occurrence: Rhodonite forms in metamorphic rocks and in hydrothermal replacement deposits. It occurs with spessartine and tephroite in hornfels of contact metamorphic rocks, and with willemite, franklinite, and calcite in massive and lode hydrothermal replacement deposits. There are numerous localities where massive pink rhodonite occurs, but exceptionally fine crystals have been found only at the zinc deposits in the Franklin-Ogdensburg area, Sussex Co., New Jersey.
Miscellaneous: The name is from the Greek rhodon, "rose," in reference to the mineral's usual color. Rhodonite is used as an ornamental stone and gemstone. Transparent or translucent varieties are cut as cabochons or as beads for necklaces and other types of jewelry.
Conventional Wisdom: Rhodonite is excellent for stimulation, clearing and activation of the heart chakra, while providing for grounding of the physical and mental energies at the same time. It can assist one in the attainment of ones greatest potential, dispelling anxiety and promoting coherence during chaotic encounters.
Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Taurus.

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