Rhodochrosite: Carbonates
(Manganese carbonate; often contains calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc)

System: Hexagonal; most often in rhombohedrons; also cleavage masses, incrusting; distinct crystals uncommon.
Appearance: Pink, rose-red, dark red, brown; darkens on exposure to atmosphere; vitreous, pearly; streak white.
Physical properties: Hardness: (3.5 - 4.0), Specific gravity: (3.4 - 3.6); Cleavage: Perfect in three directions, forming a rhombohedron; fracture, uneven; subtransparent to translucent; brittle.
Similar species: Rhodonite does not have the rhombohedral cleavage and is harder than rhodochrosite. The pink of rhodochrosite will distinguish it from other minerals with rhombohedral cleavage.
Occurrence: Rhodochrosite is a common constituent of veins and occurs with chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite in hydrothermal, mesothermal and epithermal veins and with sphalerite, bornite and tetrahedrite in massive hydrothermal replacement deposits. Rumania has the most famous deposit, but rhodochrosite has been found in Colorado, Montana, Arkansas, Maine and Newfoundland. Radiate concretionary aggregates, often with fine color banding, come from Argentina.
Miscellaneous: The name is from the Greek rhodon "rose", and chros, "color" in reference to the rose-red color of the mineral. Rhodochrosite is an ore of manganese.
Conventional Wisdom: This mineral has been called a stone of love and balance, providing balancing and love on all levels for all bodies. It contains a pulsating electrical energy which emits the strongest power in the universe, the power of love. The energy of rhodochrosite is encompassed by the presence of heavenly energies filled with the golden sphere of light; it assists in creating new worlds for the user - worlds filled with love and dreams.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Scorpio and Leo.

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