Pyrope: Neosilicates
(Magnesium aluminum silicate)
AKA: Garnet, Ely ruby, Rhodolite

System: Isometric; crystals very common as dodecahedrons and trapezohedrons; also granular, lamellar, compact, disseminated.
Appearance: Deep red to reddish black, rarely purple, gemstone quality is intense red, orange-red, brownish-red and red-brown in color; rose to pale purplish red (variety rhodolite); vitreous; streak, colorless.
Physical properties: Hardness: (6.5 - 7.5); Specific gravity; (3.56 - 4.32) varies with composition; Cleavage: None; parting sometimes distinct in six directions; fracture, conchoidal, uneven; brittle; Usually opaque but sometimes transparent with adamantine luster. Colorless streak.
Similar species: Apatite is softer than any of the garnets; zircon has a higher gravity and often fluoresces; tourmaline has lower gravity.
Occurrence: Some garnets are of igneous origin, but most of them are products of metamorphism. Pyrope occurs with olivine in peridotite of plutonic rocks; Splendid blood-red crystals are found in Bohemia (Czechoslovakia) and South Africa. Lighter-colored specimens come from Canton Ticino, Switzerland (Gorduno), Arizona and New Mexico (USA) and Scotland ("Ely ruby"). Gem-quality pyrope comes from Arizona and Utah.
Miscellaneous: The garnet species with red or purple varieties, including pyrope, almandine and a variety intermediate between these two, called rhodolite, are considered gemstones. Pyropes and rhodolites are usually free from flaws. When fashioned as cabochons, these stones are called carbuncles.
Conventional Wisdom: This form of garnet is basically concerned with the protection of the base and crown chakras and in maintaining the rhythms of the subtle bodies in synchrony with the other aspects of consciousness. It provides for the connection between the grounding force of the base chakra and the opening of the inner wisdom associated with the crown chakra. It stimulates warmth and gentleness, assisting one in the unification with the creative forces of the self.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Cancer and Leo.

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