Obsidian: Igneous - Volcanic Rock
AKA: Apache Tear

System: Igneous - Volcanic glass, amorphous, siliceous glassy rock
Appearance:Generally black but or or less smokey along translucent to transparent edges; other color are gray, reddish brown, mahogany, dark green. Black is sometimes mixed with any of these colors to form thin bands or produce a marbled effect.; vitreous, pearly, silky; streak white.
Physical properties: Hardness:(6 - 7); Specific gravity: (2.3 - 2.6); Cleavage: none; fracture, large conchoidal, sharp; opaque to translucent.
Similar species: Few minerals are confused with obsidian.
Occurrence: Obsidian occurs as volcanic lava flows that are thick and of limited area. Obsidian can be found in California, Oregon, Wyoming, Utah and Mexico.
Miscellaneous: Named after a Roman (Obsius), is was used in antiquity because of its sharp edges and high vitreous luster. Primitive peoples once valued obsidian highly, chipping and flaking it into knives, spearheads, and many other implements with razor-sharp edges resulting from the intersecting conchoidal fractures.
Conventional Wisdom: The intrinsic properties of the numerous forms of obsidian include the reflection of ones flaws and the promotion of a clear picture of the changes necessary to eliminate the flaws.
Obsidian (Black): Teaches us how to bring more Light into darkness, draws soul qualities into body and purges negativity. Stabilizes erratic energies.
Obsidian (Mahogany): It can be used to stimulate growth of the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual centers, and provide strength in times of need.
Obsidian (Rainbow): Rainbow obsidian brings light and love to ones life, allowing the recognition of the spiritual side of ones nature. It is also used for gazing, especially in the areas of love matter, relationships and total development of ones etheric and physical forms.
Obsidian (Snowflake): A grounding stone - makes the user face up to responsibility. Dedicated to change, metamorphosis, purification, fulfilment, inner growth and introspection. Deflects negative energy.
Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Libra.

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