Moonstone: Tectosilicates
(Potassium aluminum silicate)

AKA: Adularia, Albite, Feldspar

System: Monoclinic; predominantly as single crystals of rectangular or square cross section and as tabular crystals.
Appearance: Transparent or opalescent; vitreous; streak white.
Physical properties: Hardness: (6.0 - 6.5), Specific gravity: (2.5 - 2.6), Cleavage: Good in two directions at 90 degrees; fracture, uneven; transparent to translucent.
Similar species: Can be confused with heat-treated amethyst, chalcedony, synthetic spinel and glass imitations.
Occurrence: There are important deposits in Sri Lanka, also in Australia, Burma, Brazil, India, Malagasy Republic, and the U.S. Moonstone is found usually in volcanic rocks.
Miscellaneous: Moonstone is named after its blue-white sheen which is caused by lamellar structure. Moonstone is sensitive to pressure, and cut as a cabochon. Moonstone is the birthstone for June.
Conventional Wisdom: Greeks called the moonstone Aphroselene, a composite of Moon Goddess names, Aphrodite and Selene. In India, moonstone was sacred to lovers, and was supposed to confer prophetic powers when kept in the mouth during a full moon. Indian gem merchants display moonstone on a cloth of yellow, the sacred lunar color. The Basques believed that the moonstone would make its owner serene and placid and would cure epilepsy. It was commonly thought in Europe that moonstone could foretell the future during the crone time of the waning moon. It is still said that moonstone protects travelers, especially over water. Swimmers may avoid accidents in the water by wearing moonstone rings. Moonstone also realigns the spine, enhances pituitary secretions, and helps childbirth. Hung on fruit trees, it will increase their yield. Soothes stress, anxiety, women's hormones/menstrual imbalance, lymph. Enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life. Helps all be more comfortable with our gentler feminine/yin receiving side. Especially for water signs.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Cancer, Libra, and Scorpio.

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