Microcline: Tectosilicates
(Potassium aluminum silicate)


System: Triclinic; predominantly as single crystals of rectangular or square cross section and as tabular crystals; twin crystals very common; also cleavage masses, granular, disseminated grains.
Appearance: White to pale yellow, rarely red; when bright-green microcline is called amazonstone; when light bluish-green it is called amazonite; vitreous; streak white.
Physical properties: Hardness: (6.0 - 6.5), Specific gravity: (2.5 - 2.6), Cleavage: Good in two directions at 90 degrees; fracture, uneven; transparent to translucent.
Similar species: Similar silicate minerals lack the right-angle cleavage.
Occurrence: These minerals are very widespread in their distribution in North America. Microcline is the potash feldspar that usually forms intergrowths with quartz and with albite in granite pegmatite. The finest crystals of microcline- amazonite- occur in pegmatites in the Pikes Peak area of Colorado. Gem amazonite has been obtained from Virginia. The finest amazonite comes from Brazil.
Miscellaneous: Laminations (striae), which are common, and white streaks are not desirable in amazonite. Good material is rare, but it polishes into flats, beads and cabochons. Microcline comes from the Greek mikros, "small", and klinein, "to incline".
Conventional Wisdom: Used to stimulate clarity of thought and enhances the stabilization of the the frequency of brain wave transmissions. It is an excellent stimulant for dreaming, bringing uniform transference from one dream state to the next deeper dream state. The energy is comforting, embracing, soothing and relaxing; it has been used quite beneficial during the birthing process and has assisted in relieving stress during pregnancy.
Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Libra.

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