Magnetite: Multiple Oxide
(Iron oxide; sometimes contains small amounts of manganese, nickel, chromium, and titanium)
AKA: Lodestone

System: Isometric; usually octahedrons, sometimes dodecahedrons with striations; also massive, coarse or fine granular, lamellar.
Appearance: Iron-black, metallic; streak black.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (5.5 - 6.5); Specific gravity: (4.9 - 5.2). Cleavage: None, may have octahedral parting in four directions; Fracture subconchoidal, uneven; strongly magnetic; brittle.
Similar species: Magnetite has darker streak than ilmenite, and is more magnetic than chromite and franklinite.
Occurrence: Magnetite is one of the most abundant and widespread of all oxide minerals and occurs in a wide variety of environments. In general it is a common constituent of many igneous rocks, including diorite, gabbro, monzonite, and nepheline synite, and of many clastic sedimentary rocks. It occurs more specifically associated with hedenbergite and andradite in hornfels of contact metamorphic rocks; with almandine, talc, and andradite in talc schist and quartzine of regional metamorphic rocks; with calcite, andradite, and chlorite in skarn of hydrothermal metamorphic rocks; and with barite and fluorite in massive and lode hydrothermal replacement deposits. Because of its widespread distribution throughout North America, only those localities from which noteworthy material has been obtained will be mentioned; Ontario, Nova Scotia, New York, Vermont, New Mexico, Utah, and California.
Miscellaneous: Some magnetite (lodestone) is naturally magnetized and will attract small pieces of iron and steel. The name derives from Magnesia, an ancient district bordering on Macedonia. In the discussion of metaphysical attributes, loadstone has the property of magnetism, whereas magnetite does not. Magnetite is an important ore of iron.
Conventional Wisdom: This mineral temporarily aligns the chakras, the subtle bodies, and the meridians of the physical and etheric bodies. It can be used to dispel grief, fear, anger and attachment. It brings tenacity, durability and endurance, assisting in the magnification of the answers necessary to remove one from situations which are unwanted. Magnetite is a stone of stability and can be used to attract love. It has been quite instrumental in activities of manifestation, catching things like in a net and allowing one to secure that which is desired.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius and Virgo.

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