Lazulite: Phosphate, Arsenates, Vandates
(A basic phosphate of magnesium, iron and magnesium)

System: Monoclinic; usually bipyramidal or tabular; also granular, compact.
Appearance: Deep blue, sky-blue, pale greenish blue; vitreous to dull; streak white.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (5.5 - 6.0); Specific gravity: (3.0 - 3.1). Cleavage: distinct, one direction; fracture, uneven; transparent to opaque; brittle.
Similar species: Vesuvianite is harder and denser than lazulite, and both sodalite and lazurite have lower specific gravity than lazulite.
Occurrence: Lazulite forms in plutonic and metamorphic rocks. It is associated with quartz in schist of regional metamorphic rock; and with quartz, hematite and topaz in massive hydrothermal replacement deposits. Sharp pale-blue crystals of lazulite occur in granular quartz in Georgia, and masses of lazulite associated with quartz, hematite and topaz can be found in California.
Miscellaneous: The name is from an old Arabic word lazaward, "heaven", a reference to the mineral's blue color. Lazulite is used as a gemstone.
Conventional Wisdom: Lazulite was called by the ancient Egyptians "The Stone of Heaven" and it is thought by many to be the stone upon which were carved the laws given to Moses. It is said that it has the power to prevent fits and epilepsy and to improve the eyesight. This "heavenly" stone is excellent in meditation to take one to the home of euphoria. It promotes calming and enhances sanctity within ones being. Lazulite is also a stone to be used to help those with addictive personalities to overcome the traits associated with compulsive behavior patterns.
Belong to the Astrological Signs of Sagittarius and Gemini.

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