Lapis lazuli: Tectosilicates
(Silicate of sodium calcium and aluminum, with some sulfur; sodalite group)
AKA: Lazurite, Lapis

System:Isometric; dodecahedral; crystals rare; usually granular, compact massive.
Appearance: Deep-blue color and frequent association with pyrite.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (5.0 - 5.5); Specific gravity: (2.4 - 2.5). Cleavage: poor, in six directions; fracture, uneven; translucent; brittle.
Similar species: Lazurite is deeper in color and usually finer grained than sodalite, and is softer and lighter than lazulite.
Occurrence: Lazurite forms in association with pyrite, calcite and diopside in hornfels of contact metamorphic rocks. Lapis lazuli is a mixture of lazurite, calcite, pyrite and diopside. The finest lapis lazuli comes from Afghanistan, and less valuable material has come from Russia and Chile.
Miscellaneous: Lapis lazuli is an opaque, vivid blue, light blue, greenish-blue, or violet-blue stone, consisting largely of lazurite but with appreciable amounts of calcite, diopside and pyrite. The stone is usually veined or spotted. Its value depends largely upon excellence and uniformity of color and absence of pyrite, although some purchasers prefer lapis with pyrite. Lapis lazuli is fashioned into cabochons, beads and flat slabs or carved ornamental objects. The name is from the Arabic lazaward, "heaven", which was also applied to sky-blue lapis lazuli. Lapis lazuli is used as a gemstone and is a birthstone for December.
Conventional Wisdom: Lapis lazuli was the "sapphire" of the ancient, as we know from Pliny's description of sapphire as containing "spots like gold" - the characteristic pyrite. Powdered lapis lazuli was the original coloring matter in ultramarine blue pigment. The Bible claims that God's throne was made of lapis lazuli. Early Christians declared it sacred to the Virgin Mary. Lapis lazuli was sacred to Isis long before either the Bible or Christianity existed. It symbolized her in the guise of Truth (Maat the Mother), and was worn by Egypt's chief justice as the sign of her All-Seeing Eye. One of the oldest Sumerian mythologies stated that the palace of the Great Goddess in her underworld aspect lay beneath a mountain of lapis lazuli. Lapis amulets were used to cure apoplexy and blood disorders and to give confidence to timid children. In the eighteenth century, mystical beliefs about lapis were rife, and the stone was so much desired that a gem price list set its value at fifteen times that of emeralds. Helps heart and spleen, protects against strokes, helps depression. Helps acquire wisdom and truth. It is also a symbol of power and a mental and spiritual cleanser. Assists one's psychic development and mental stability. Gives hope and self awareness and helps one to face one's shadow-self. It is the stone of friendship. Helps cut through superficialities to find inner truth. Aura cleanser. A stone of royalty - you have to reach the high quality of this stone. If seeking, it will open heart to love and beauty - harmonizing inner and outer self. Brings old emotional wounds to the surface for healing.
Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Sagittarius.

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