Hematite: Simple Oxides
(Iron oxide)

System: Hexagonal; thick to thin tabular, often as subparallel growths or as rosettes; striated; also compact, granular, radiated, reniform, botryoidal, columnar; micaceous (specular), earthy (red ocher).
Appearance: Steel-gray, red, reddish brown, black; metallic; streak dark red, cherry-red, brownish red.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (5.0 - 6.0); Specific gravity: (4.9 -5.3). Cleavage: None. Fracture, uneven, splintery; brittle.
Similar species: The deep red streak is enough to distinguish it from limonite and ilmenite, and the lack of magnetism distinguishes it from magnetite.
Occurrence: The former huge deposits of iron ore, composed largely of hematite, worked in the Lake Superior region are of sedimentary origin. Hematite has also formed in igneous and metamorphic rocks. Hematite is found throughout North America, primarily in New York, Michigan, Minnesota and Arizona.
Miscellaneous: The name hematite is from the Greek haimatites, "bloodlike", in reference to the vivid red color of the powder. Hematite is the principle ore of iron.
Conventional Wisdom: The literal translation of hematite is "bloodstone". The ancients believed that the stone could bleed, because of the red fluid it produced when mixed with water for the purpose of cutting or grinding. The earthy form of hematite, red ocher, was often used to line Stone Age graves and colored everything in them to imitate the blood-filled womb of rebirth. Red ocher is still used by primitive peoples as a sacred blood imitation. Egyptian mummies were usually provided with headrests made of hematite. A gem treatise by Azchalias of Babylon in 63 BC said that amulets of hematite obtained the favor of kings and judges. In addition to its time-honored association with sacred blood, with rebirth, with Rome's red god Mars, and with the protection of warriors, hematite is a primary ore of iron and was considered almost as valuable as gold during the early Iron Age. Much later, high-ranking Nazis during the Hitler era in Germany used hematite as their symbol of "blood and iron. Crystal mystics now prescribe amulets of hematite for high blood pressure, bloodshot eyes, muscle cramps, ulcers, inflammation, and bladder and kidney troubles. It is also recommended for menstrual difficulties, anemia, and other blood conditions. When cut as a gem, hematite is called "black diamond".
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Aries and Aquarius.

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