Heliodor: Cyclosilicates
(Beryllium aluminum silicate, frequently with some sodium, lithium and cesium)
AKA: Beryl

System: Hexagonal; crystals common, usually six-sided prisms that are striated lengthwise.
Appearance: Yellow and brown. The prism faces are often finely striated. Vitreous luster. Often contains a great many inclusions, making it opaque. White streak.
Physical properties: Hardness: (7.5 - 8.0); Specific gravity: (2.66 - 2.92); Cleavage: Indistinct, one direction; fracture, uneven to conchoidal; transparent to translucent.
Similar species: Beryl is harder than apatite, quartz and the feldspars; does not have the cleavage of feldspars; and it is striated the length of the crystal, whereas quartz is striated crosswise.
Occurrence: Beryl develops in pegmatites and certain metamorphic rocks. It occurs with quartz, microcline and muscovite in pegmatites, and with almandine, quartz and muscovite in schist of regional metamorphic rocks. Heliodor is found in Brazil and Malagasy Republic.
Miscellaneous: Reportedly discovered in 1910 in Nambia. Heliodor's pigment is uranium oxide (radioactive). Heliodor is faceted as a gemstone.
Conventional Wisdom: Heliodor serves to enable one to both expertly and sympathetically contend with delicate issues. It assists one in exhibiting both sympathetic and compassionate understanding. Helps stomach, intestines, works with mental body for exhaustion , depression, ulcers, nausea, eating disorders. Cleans emotional and physical toxins from liver and skin.
Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Leo.

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