Dioptase: Cyclosilicates
(Basic copper silicate)

System: Hexagonal; commonly in short prismatic crystals capped by rhombohedrons; also granular, massive.
Appearance: Emerald-green; vitreous, slightly greasy on fracture; streak pale greenish-blue.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (5.0); Specific gravity: (3.3 - 3.4). Cleavage: perfect, three directions; fracture, uneven to conchoidal; brittle; transparent to translucent.
Similar species: Dioptase is harder than brochantite or malachite.
Occurrence: Dioptase is a secondary copper mineral and forms in the zone of alteration in all types of hydrothermal replacement deposits, usually associated with limonite and chrysocolla. South-West Africa and Zaire have been excellent sources of dioptase. In North America dioptase has been found in Arizona.
Miscellaneous: The name derives from the Greek dia, "through", and optasia, "view", in reference to the fact that cleavage planes could be seen in the crystals. Dioptase is used as a gemstone.
Conventional Wisdom: it stimulates the memories of past lives and assists one in obtaining attunement to both conscious awareness of these lives and to the inner reality which has been the basis for these lives. General healer. Relieves mental stress, promotes abundance, relaxation, love and emotional expressiveness. Heals the parts emotionally abandoned while experiencing heartache. Good for those that, through loss, fear to love again, helps heal the heart and helps one to be able to trust again.
Belongs to ther Astrological Sign of Aries.

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