Diopside: Inosilicates
(Calcium magnesium silicate; pyroxene group)

System: Monoclinic; commonly short prismatic with good terminations; also lamellar, granular, compact.
Appearance: White, colorless, grayish, greenish; vitreous, dull; streak white, grayish, greenish.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (5.0 - 6.0); Specific gravity: (3.3 - 3.6). Cleavage: Good, two directions lengthwise at nearly right angles. Fracture, uneven; transparent to translucent.
Similar species: Olivine does not have the cleavage of diopside and is not found in marble. Epidote also lacks the cleavage of diopside and is usually darker green.
Occurrence: Diopside has two environments. It occurs with dolmite, fluorite and andradite in carbonates, and with phlogopite, chondrodite and actinolite in hornfels of contact and regional metamorphic rocks. Transparent gem-quality diopside has been found in Italy, while other fine crystals have been recovered from Canada, New York and California.
Miscellaneous: The name is from the Greek prefix di, "two", and opisis, "appearance", in allusion to the fact that crystals of diopside commonly occur with two sets of prism faces that appear to be similar.
Conventional Wisdom: This mineral can be used to stimulate the intellect and can provide assistance in mathematical and analytical pursuits. It enhances academic learning and couples the practical side of ones nature to both the sciences and the arts. It is an excellent stone for runners, helping to eliminate the muscular spasms and "stitches" during the run.
Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Virgo.

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