Copper: Native Element
(Native, often with small amounts of arsenic, antimony, bismuth, iron and silver)

System: Isometric; usually cubic and dodecahedral, rarely octahedral; often flattened, elongated, distorted; also scales, plates, lumps, branching aggregates.
Appearance: Copper-red; tarnish black, blue, green; metallic; streak copper-red, shiny.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (2.5 - 3.0); Specific gravity: (8.9). Cleavage: None. Fracture, hackly; ductile and malleable.
Similar species: None.
Occurrence: Native copper commonly develops is basalt of volcanic rocks by the reaction of copper-bearing solutions on the iron-oxide minerals in the basalt. The copper mines in Michigan have yielded excellent specimens of native copper. Specimens of copper that contain as much native silver, are not uncommon. Native copper has also been obtained in Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon, Alaska, New Jersey and Nova Scotia.
Miscellaneous: The name is from the Greek Kyprios, the island Cyprus, where copper was early found and mined. Copper is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. Native copper is used as an ore of copper.
Conventional Wisdom: Copper in the ancient world was sacred to the Great Goddess under her classical name Venus, or Aphrodite. One of her major temples stood as Paphos on the isle of Cyprus, whose name means "copper" because it had rich copper mines and colonies of coppersmiths who dedicated their art to the Goddess. Copper made the magic mirrors of divination used on the Goddess's day, Friday (named after her northern counterpart, Freya). The alchemical symbol of copper was said to represent one of these mirrors. It is still the astronomical symbol of the planet Venus and the biological/botanical symbol of femaleness. Copper was essential to the economy of the Bronze Age, which was also the age of the Goddess. Bronze cannot be made without copper, which forms bronze when alloyed with tin. (Brass is made of copper alloyed with zinc.) The only two colored elemental metals are gold and copper. Because copper was the Venus metal, it was often used as a love charm. Copper jewelry was supposed to enhance sexuality. Excellent energy conductor! Sends and amplifies thoughts, healing, and gem electrical energy into wearer's energy field. Next to skin: Detoxifies and soothes arthritis, rheumatism, other inflammation problems. Energize with sun.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Taurus and Sagittarius.

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