Chrysocolla: Inosilicates
(Basic copper silicate)
AKA: Gem Silica

System: Monoclinic; microcrystalline; usually compact reniform, botryoidal masses, often opal-like in appearance.
Appearance: Green, bluish green, blue; brown to black from impurities; vitreous, greasy, dull; streak white to pale blue or green.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (2 - 4); Specific gravity: (2.0 - 2.2). Cleavage: None. Fracture, uneven to conchoidal; translucent; very brittle.
Similar species: Chrysocolla is harder than turquoise and softer than chalcedony.
Occurrence: Chrysocolla is a secondary mineral and usually forms in the zone of alteration in all forms of hydrothermal replacement deposits, where it is frequently associated with azurite, malachite and limonite. Fine specimens can be found in Colorado and Arizona.
Miscellaneous: The name is derived from the Greek chrysos, "gold", and kolla, "glue" in reference to similar-looking material that was used in soldering gold. Chrysocolla is a minor ore of copper and is used as an ornamental stone. The name chrysocolla is also sometimes applied to chrysocolla-impregnated chalcedony, a much harder mineral. The drusy form is called chrysocolla, while chrysocolla in its gemmy state is known as Gem silica.
Conventional Wisdom: Chrysocolla purifies the home and the environment, and can work to eliminate negativity from within a person. The drusy chrysocolla, combines the energies of the mineral with the clarity of force, enabling acceleration in the process for which it is used. Gemmy chrysocolla (Gem silica) also enhances the rapidity of the energy growth. In addition, it stimulates the crown chakra and provides for the enlightenment of the physical structure and the ethereal network. Excellent therapeutic aid for healing loss, incest, other traumas. Cleanses auric field. Relieves nervous tension, emotional congestion, ulcer or stomach problems. Brings balance, cleanses all negativity, brings inner peace and contentment. Stimulates lungs.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Gemini, Virgo and Taurus.

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