Carnelian: Tectosilicates
(A variety of quartz often with some iron and aluminum)
AKA: Chalcedony, Sard

System: None; chalcedony is a microcrystalline variety of quartz.
Appearance: Clear red to brownish red, dark red to orange-red. Dull waxy to vitreous luster depending on granularity and the variety; streak white
Physical Properties: Hardness: (7); Specific gravity: (2.6 - 2.64). Cleavage: None. Smooth conchoidal fracture; transparent when colorless, otherwise translucent to opaque as colors get darker; fracture, brittle to tough; sometimes weakly fluorescent.
Similar species: Very few minerals are confused with chalcedony.
Occurrence: Chalcedony is formed in several environments, generally near the surface of the earth where temperatures and pressures are relatively low. It commonly forms in the zone of alteration of lode and massive hydrothermal replacement deposits and as bodies of chert in chemical sedimentary rocks. Carnelian comes from Brazil, Uruguay, India and California (USA)
Miscellaneous: Carnelian is uniformly colored, light- to dark-brown chalcedony. The orange-red color is due to the presence of very fine particles of hematite or limonite. Traditionally used for seals. Most chalcedonies develop as a microcrystalline precipitate from aqueous solutions or as dehydration products of opal, in low-temperature environments. Carnelian is cut into cabochons or cameos.
Conventional Wisdom: Named from Latin carne, "flesh", carnelian has been most frequently associated with blood, flesh, carnal passions, sexuality, earthiness, and the material world. In ancient Egypt, it symbolized the sacred heart-soul in the body of a mummy and the resurrection to be brought about through the stone, which was described as the blood, virtue, and magic power of the Great Goddess Isis. Moslems believed that carnelian could fulfill add desires. A carnelian or Mecca stone engraved with the names of the Twelve Imams placed in the mouth of a male corpse could bring him to paradise. Mohammed himself wore a carnelian ring as a charm for a blessed afterlife. Modern mystics claim that carnelian is beneficial to those who are absent-minded or confused and unfocused. Carnelian was much recommended for blood disorders, menstrual troubles, wounds, nosebleeds, fever, infection or "hot blood" anger. Historically also used to pull excess fever out through the feet. This stone is useful for understanding one's rhythms and cycles and it is said that if it is worn in a pouch around the neck by a women during menstrual periods - it will help to ease the stomach cramps felt at that time. Strengthens voice; helps rheumatism and arthritis, depression, neuralgia; aids the sense of touch. Used for infertility and impotence. Alleviates blood poisoning, fever, infection and nose bleeds. Helps in the treatment of sores, spasms and wounds. Stimulating, helps ground and focus thoughts. Helps purify blood to cleanse reproductive organs - used for infertility and impotence. Protects from evil, elevates the spirits, grounds energies thus assisting concentration and mental focus by clearing the mind and focusing one's thoughts. Helps daydreamers and those who are absent-minded.
Belongs to the Astrological Signs of Taurus, Cancer and Leo.

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