Calcite: Inosilicates
(Calcium Carbonate)
AKA: Icelandic spar, Limestone, Marble, Stalactite, Stalagmite

System: Hexagonal; crystals commonly showing rhombohedron, scalenohedron, and prism; also tabular, acicular, cleavable, granular, compact, stalactitic, oolitic, earthy; twinned crystals very common.
Appearance: White, colorless, pale shades of gray, yellow, red, green, blue, brown to black when impure; vitreous, dull; streak white.
Physical properties: Hardness:(3); Specific gravity: (2.7); Cleavage: perfect in three directions, forming a rhombohedron; fracture, conchoidal, seldom observed; transparent to translucent; fluorescent.
Similar species: Aragonite lacks the rhombohedral cleavage. Optical tests are required to distinguish calcite from dolomite.
Occurrence: Calcite is the commonest of all carbonate minerals and develops in many environments. Because of its abundance, fine specimens of calcite are easy to obtain. Crystals up to roughly 450 kg (1000 lb) in weight were found in a cave in limestone in New York. Clusters of well-formed crystals have been found in the lead mines of Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri. Blue coarse-cleavage calcite occurs in California.
Miscellaneous: The name "calcite" is from the Greek chalx, "lime". Calcite has the unique optical quality of double refraction. Draw a line with a pen on a piece of paper, then place a piece of calcite over the line. When you look through the stone, the line will appear to be doubled. Calcite is commonly used in the manufacture of steel, cement and glass.
Conventional Wisdom: This mineral releases electrical impulses when placed under pressure, and is an energy amplifier. It is said to help the mind and body remember - the mind to remember information brought to bear during astral travel and channeling experiences; the body, to remember the state of perfection during unease in order to return to the natural state of flawlessness. It is an excellent stone for studying the arts and sciences.
Calcite (blue): Healing stone when worn on the body, or place between flaming purple or blue candles. During purification ceremonies wear or use blue calcite.
Calcite (gold): Carries the golden healing ray. Gives comfort, helps cheer depression. Good for most of what ails you!
Calcite (green): Helps kidneys, spleen and the pancreas. Removes toxins from the body and alleviates mental fear. Aids mental clarity, soothes anxiety,calms turbulent energies. Expands awareness, aids intuition, links parallel realities. Good when undertaking mental change.
Calcite (orange): Helps gall bladder, improves physical energy, also expands awareness.
Calcite (optical): Improves eyesight. Brings spiritual understanding into challenging circumstances and situations. Helps when doing regression.
Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Cancer.

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