Blue Lace Agate: Tectosilicates
(A variety of quartz often with some iron and aluminum)
AKA: Agate, Chalcedony

System: None; chalcedony is a microcrystalline variety of quartz.
Appearance: Pale sky blue to pale periwinkle blue. Displays a blue and white lace pattern. Dull waxy to vitreous luster depending on granularity and the variety; streak white
Physical Properties: Hardness: (7); Specific gravity: (2.6 - 2.64). Cleavage: None. Smooth conchoidal fracture; transparent when colorless, otherwise translucent to opaque as colors get darker; fracture, brittle to tough; sometimes weakly fluorescent.
Similar species: Very few minerals are confused with chalcedony.
Occurrence: Chalcedony is formed in several environments, generally near the surface of the earth where temperatures and pressures are relatively low. It commonly forms in the zone of alteration of lode and massive hydrothermal replacement deposits and as bodies of chert in chemical sedimentary rocks. Banded agates and colorful chalcedony occur as amygdules in basalt on the north shores of the Great Lakes in Ontario. Beautiful trees have been replaced by chalcedony at the Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona.
Miscellaneous: Agates are used as gem and ornamental stones. In historic times, they were placed in water for use in cooking and/or drinking in order to dispel various illnesses. Agates are the traditional gift of the 12th Wedding Anniversary.
Conventional Wisdom: The energy of blue lace agate is most useful at the locations of the throat chakra, the heart chakra, the third eye, and crown chakra. Activating these chakras, it helps one to enter into high-frequency states of awareness. Blue lace has also been used as an elixir to sooth the eyes and to diminish dilation of the blood vessels of the iris. Wear or carry for peace and happiness. Place in your hand to de-stress. Lay one on your desk or other work station and gaze at it when in stressful situations.
Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Pisces.

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