Azurite: Carbonates
(Hydrous copper carbonate)
AKA: chessylite

System: Monoclinic; usually in well-formed equidimentional or tabular crystals; also radiating, botryoidal, incrusting, earthy. Masses are rare.
Appearance: Azure-blue, dark blue; vitreous, dull; streak blue.
Physical Properties: Hardness: (3.5 - 4.0); Specific gravity: (3.7 - 3.8). Cleavage: good, two directions; fracture, conchoidal; transparent in thin chips; brittle.
Similar species: Azurite is softer than lazulite and lazurite, and is usually associated with malachite.
Occurrence: Azurite is a secondary copper mineral and develops in the zone of alteration in all types of hydrothermal replacement deposits, where it commonly occurs with malachite, limonite and chalcopyrite. The copper deposits in South-West Africa have yielded some of the finest azurite crystals in the world. Copper deposits of Arizona, Utah and Mexico have also produced beautiful azurite.
Miscellaneous: The name azurite is from the characteristic azure-blue color of the mineral. Azurite is an ore of copper and a minor ornamental stone. In the past it was crushed to make a pigment (mountain blue or Armenia stone) that eventually becomes greenish as it alters to malachite. Some medieval painters made their blue pigments of crushed azurite that has now altered to malachite, so the originally blue skies in the paintings have now turned green.
Conventional Wisdom: Activates brow and throat chakras. Promotes more assertive communication and alert, quite, deep access to subconscious and other times/places/lives. High copper content stimulates the thyroid, sinus, skin cleansing, spleen, nervous system, mental and etheric bodies. The Azurite is said to be an aid to psychic development and is a very powerful stone. Also aids meditation. Relates to penetrating through your deepest fear in the subconscious. It is used as a general healing stone. Reported to relieve arthritis and joint disabilities. Reduces hip joint pain. Amplifies healing and meditation experiences. Opens third eye. Cuts through illusion, enhances communication.
Belongs to Astrological Sign of Sagittarius.

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