Amazonite: Tectosilicates
(Potassium aluminum silicate)

AKA: Amazonstone, Orthoclase, Potash feldspar

System: Triclinic (microcline); predominantly as single crystals of rectangular or square cross section and as tabular crystals; twin crystals very common; also cleavage masses, granular, disseminated grains.
Appearance: Light bluish-green; vitreous; streak white.
Physical properties: Hardness: (6.0 - 6.5), Specific gravity: (2.5 - 2.6), Cleavage: Good in two directions at 90 degrees; fracture, uneven; transparent to translucent.
Similar species: Similar silicate minerals lack the right-angle cleavage.
Occurrence: These minerals are very widespread in their distribution in North America. The finest crystals of microcline- amazonite- occur in pegmatites in the Pikes Peak area of Colorado. Gem amazonite has been obtained from Virginia. The finest amazonite comes from Brazil.
Miscellaneous: Laminations (striae), which are common, and white streaks are not desirable in amazonite.
Conventional Wisdom: It was named for a mistaken belief that its primary, and perhaps only, source was the Amazon River. Crystal mystics have paid little attention to it because it is not well known, not expensive, is not usually considered a gem, and is not mentioned in either ancient or modern myths. Gentle Friendly, calming, soothing; Opens throat, heart, and solar plexus centers for self-expression, artistic creativity, healing. Throat, thyroid, nerve and Brain paths. Reduces self-damaging behavior, increases straight posture of self-respect, confidence, grace, self-assuredness with communication. Generally used to help soothe the nervous system and to give some relief to those who are suffering from emotional disturbances. Also helps with one's metabolism and growth. Useful when trying to express oneself more clearly. Regulates and improves thinking abilities. Soothing to nervous system. Helps perfect personal expression and verbalizing.
Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Virgo.

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