Alexandrite: Multiple Oxides
(Beryllium aluminum oxide, often with small amounts of iron and chromium)
AKA: Chrysoberyl

System: Orthorhombic; usually tabular or prismatic crystals; also disseminated plates; forms heart-shaped or pseudohexagonal twins.
Appearance: Dark yellow-green to slightly bluish-green chrysoberyl that appears red, purplish, or purplish violet under artificial light. Vitreous, streak white.
Physical properties: Hardness: (8.5), Specific gravity: (3.5 - 3.8); Cleavage: Good in one direction, poor in two others; fracture conchoidal, uneven; transparent to translucent; brittle.
Similar species: Chrysoberyl is harder and heavier than beryl, with which it is usually associated.
Occurrence: Chrysoberyl occurs with beryl, microcline and tourmaline in granite pegmatites, and with albite and almandite in schist of regional metamorphic rocks. The finest alexandrite comes from near the Ural Mountains in the former USSR.
Miscellaneous: Alexandrite is faceted as a gemstone. Birthstone for June.
Conventional Wisdom: Alexandrite has not tradition of magical usage because of its recent discovery. Modern mystics claim it can heal leukemia and other diseases and help one "attune to the energies of the earth." It is said to have an impact on the nervous system, spleen, pancreas and testicles. Opens Heart, Solar Plexus, and especially Crown Centers. For healing, centering, self-esteem. Rare and Powerful. Opens to higher self, disattachment, spiritual love, joy, and luck. Excellent tissue regeneration; especially Central Nervous System. Helps the nervous system, spleen, pancreas and testicles. May be used to amplify color therapy. Belongs to the Astrological Sign of Scorpio.

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